Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Developing and Expanding on Knowledge

Some of you may be thinking "How do we develop and expand concepts of what we've learned?" My friends, we do this by applying geometry to everyday life. Whether it is applying these concepts through our living styles, to just generally thinking about geometry, there are many ways that geometry is used in everyday life and can therefore be expanded upon. Don't believe me?

Holt Geometry Book

THAT ^^^ right there is proof (not A proof, but proof) that you, a mere common individual, uses geometry in real life. As a geometry student, I expand on my knowledge of flowcharts (in this case) by making myself a sandwich (preferably peanut butter, but since our school took that away, the sandwich option isn't as common).

Another way that I expanded my knowledge of geometry was by taking different types of conditional statements that I just happened to say in real life, and finding the converse, inverse, and contrapositive.

For example:

If I can go to the store, then I can by some cookies. (Conditional statement)

If I can by some cookies, then I can go to the store. (Converse)

If I cannot go to the store, then I cannot by some cookies. (Inverse)

If I cannot by some cookies, then I cannot go to the store. (Contrapositive)


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