Monday, March 7, 2011

The Amazing-ness of Circles

Some things to remember about circles and properties of circles:

Keep in mind: A central angle is an angle whose vertex is the center of a circle. An arc is an unbroken part of a circle consisting of two points called the endpoints and all the points on the circle between them.

Keep in mind that we just learned this chapter, and it is pretty fresh in my mind, so if I keep my comments to a bare minimum, you will know why. The circle information is pretty easy to understand, it's getting the hang of some of the problems that could be possibly difficult to some.

An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex is on a circle and whose sides contain chords of the circle. An intercepted arc consists of endpoints that lie on the sides of an inscribed angle and all the points of the circle between them. A chord or arc subtends an angle if its endpoints lie on the sides of the angle.

Here is some information retained in chapter 11-5:

Entering into 11-6...

A secant segment is a segment of a secant with at least one endpoint on the circle. An external secant segment is a secant segment that lies in the exterior of the circle with one endpoint on the circle.

A tangent segment is a segment of a tangent with one endpoint on the circle. AB and AC are tangent segments.

The major formula from 11-7:

Holt Geometry Book

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